Attorney Access

Non-Recorded Phone Line

Hays County provides a free call option to attorneys for the benefit of their incarcerated clients. Only one business telephone number is authorized for the call list. Calls are limited to twenty minutes each, are free of charge and are not recorded.

Please attach a written request on company letterhead. Include the phone number to be called along with a color copy/scan of the attorney’s valid driver’s license and BAR card.

This information must be submitted by email to the following:

Once approved, the attorney will receive an email with further instructions.

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In-Person Non-Contact

In-person access is allowed for attorneys. These visits will be Non-Contact/Non-Recorded. The visitation area will be sanitized upon the completion of each visit.

Attorneys requesting to see clients in person are required to have a BAR card and valid photo ID when checking in at the front window.

Attorneys will be allotted 30 minutes to meet with clients. If an attorney has multiple clients and no other attorney is waiting, they may go beyond the allotted 30 minutes until someone else checks in. If we begin to have a waiting list, we will enforce the 30-minute time frame so that each attorney has an equal opportunity to visit their clients. Any attorney limited to a 30-minute time slot may re-register on the waiting list for the next available time.

Attorneys visiting clients in person (non-contact) may experience delays due to sanitation procedures and occasions when the jail is placed on “lock-down” status. Lock-down status is caused by ceasing facility movement for isolated movement of either a COVID-19-positive or quarantine-status inmate. We apologize for any inconvenience these potential delays may cause. We appreciate your patience during this time as we work to maintain the same level of service while following precautionary measures to protect the health and safety of all essential visitors, inmates, and staff. 

Representatives of Attorneys 

Legal assistants, investigators, interpreters, polygraphists, and others who visit inmates on behalf of the inmate's attorney must have written authorization from a court or the inmate's current attorney of record. Authorizations from the attorney must be on the attorney or law firm's letterhead. The authorization must be on file for each visit. If a representative does not provide the required authorization or the authorization is not on file, the rules for social visiting will apply. 

Unless accompanied by an attorney who remains present with the inmate and the defense expert during the entire interview, defense experts MAY be restricted to non-contact interviews. Exceptions shall only be made with the prior approval of the Bureau Captain and only in those cases when physical contact is necessary for the defense expert to complete their duties (e.g., polygraph experts or medical personnel for the purposes of taking blood samples).

Professional Video Visitation


Traveling to the jail to visit an inmate can be very difficult. From money spent on gas and parking, or public transportation, to time spent driving and waiting in long lines, the process can be costly and burdensome.

This jail now provides video visitation anywhere, allowing you to visit with your client from home, library, office, or anywhere with internet access from your Android™ or Apple smartphone, tablet, or computer with a camera.


Step 1 - Create a Securus Online account by going to

  1. Click on the "REAL SHARE" "SIGN UP" button to create your account.
  2. If you are enrolling with your computer, ensure you have a camera to take a picture of yourself, a government-issued photo ID (driver's license, passport, ), a Bar card (if applicable), or your Agency Employee ID. You will receive an email once your account is created.

Step 2 - Once the account is created, sign up for Remote Access - SECURUS VIDEO CONNECT

  1. Log in to your Securus Online account, ACCEPT Terms & Conditions
  2. Click on the "SECURUS VIDEO CONNECT" "SIGN UP" button
  3. Select User Type (ATTORNEY) and complete the required fields
  4. Check camera, upload photo
  5. Upload Photo ID, Bar Card or Agency Employee ID
  6. Select your State and Facility, SUBMIT, and FINISH

Step 3 - Once approved, log in to your Securus Online account, select "SECURUS VIDEO CONNECT" SCHEDULE SESSION" and follow the steps to schedule your anywhere visit.

  1. The video visitation system allows you to schedule times specifically when your client is available.
  2. On the day of your scheduled visit, make sure you log in to your account online or via the mobile app 15 minutes prior to the start time of the appointed time,
  3. Make sure you click on "Professional Visits".

Now you are ready to visit!


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