Commissioner Precinct 2 – Road Projects
In November 2008, Hays County voters approved a proposition to issue $207 million in Hays County road bonds for roadway safety and mobility improvements across the county.
Two categories of projects will be funded through the bond issue:
In addition to the $207 million in taxpayer-financed road bonds, the Hays County road projects approved by voters will be funded with at least $11 million from the City of Kyle, $7 million from the City of San Marcos and $3 million from federal grants. Below are the lists of Pass-Through and Priority Projects by category for Precinct 2. Although each project is assigned a number for tracking purposes, projects are listed in order of their expected/actual start dates. To see the county-wide list and map of road bond projects,
click here.
Projects 18 and 19 — FM 1626A and FM 1626B – FM 2770 to Bliss Spillar Road
This project consists of reconstructing 6.8 miles of existing FM 1626. The existing roadway is a 2-lane rural roadway with limited or no shoulders and several low water areas. The roadway would be reconstructed as a 5-lane rural facility, and the County is developing Context Sensitive design elements for the FM 1626 corridor.
FM 1626 Segment A (FM 967 to FM 2770)
Project 18 FM 1626 Segment B (Bliss Spillar Road to FM 967)
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This project consists of reconstructing the substandard 2-lane bridge over IH-35, including a North-South and South-North turn-around bridge. The project will also construct a section of frontage road between Kyle Crossing and FM 1626. Constructing this missing gap of frontage road will allow the IH-35 frontage roads between FM 2001 and FM 1626 to operate as one-way. The City of Kyle, through a State Infrastructure Bank loan, will contribute $11.0 million.
This project completes the southbound frontage road between FM 1626 and RM 150. The project includes constructing new ramps and a realignment of RM 150 east of IH 35. The frontage road construction and realignment of RM 150 will allow the frontage roads between FM 1626 and Yarrington Road to be converted from two-way to one-way operation. When this project is complete, all of the IH 35 frontage roads in Hays County will be able to be converted to one-way. (Phase 2A, FM 150 Realignment located in Project 24, Precinct 1.)
This project improves existing Overpass Road as part of the overall realignment and improvements to FM 2001. Significant improvements to FM 2001 have been made in a partnership between TxDOT, the City of Buda, private developers and Hays County. This is the last connection to the new $20.0 million interchange and frontage road improvements made by TxDOT.
Projects 12a-c Funding for this project comprises three elements improvements at the intersections of SH 21 and High Road (CR 127), SH 21 at FM 2001, and SH 21 at Rohde Road (CR 126).
Project 12a SH 21 at High Road (CR 127) Safety and intersection improvements, including the addition of a left turn lane on SH 21 onto High Road, widening shoulders on SH 21, and improvements to the High Road (CR 127) approach pavement.
Project 12b SH 21 at FM 2001 Safety and intersection improvements, including the addition of a left turn lane on SH 21 onto RM 2001, widening shoulders on SH 21, and level-up and overlay of approach pavement.
Project 12c SH 21 at Rohde Road (CR 126) Safety and intersection improvements, including the addition of a left turn lane on SH 21 onto Rohde Road and reconstruction of the Rohde Road (CR 126) approach to improve geometry and channelization.
Project 13 Dacy Lane (CR 206), Bebee Road (CR 122) to Windy Hill Road (CR 131). Funding for this project covers conducting engineering studies necessary to determine and preserve right-of-way for improvements to this roadway corridor. No construction funding is available at this time.
Project 16 Lakewood Drive at FM 1626. Funding for this project is for safety improvements at the intersection of Lakewood Drive and FM 1626, including improving the Lakewood Drive approach to FM 1626 and raising the low-water crossing on Lakewood Drive.
Project 17 RM 967 at Ruby Ranch Road. Funding for this project includes proposed safety improvements at the intersection FM 967 and Ruby Ranch Road, covering the addition of a left turn lane on RM 967 onto Ruby Ranch Road. Implementation of this project is contingent on the availability of funds from the Series 2009 bond proceeds.
DISCLAIMER: All improvements described herein are proposed actions. Final design and implementation of these improvements are contingent upon availability of funds relative to financial constraints of the bond market and economic conditions. All schedules are preliminary and subject to change.
Hays County, Texas
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712 S. Stagecoach Trail
San Marcos, Texas 78666
Main Number: 512-393-7779
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