County adopts FY 23 budget

Daniel Bratone • September 30, 2022

Hays County Commissioners Court adopted the FY 2023 county budget of $354,051,343 on September 20, 2022. The Commissioners Court also adopted the No New Revenue (NNR) rate of .3125; the FY22 adopted rate was .3867. This is the lowest county tax rate since 1989 despite the county’s continued rapid growth.

With this growth comes the need for additional personnel, law enforcement officers, infrastructure and road improvements, which increases the need for additional staff.

Budget Officer Vickie Dorsett said maintaining the lowest tax rate in more than three decades was challenging but she is proud of the work performed to provide the services county residents expect, offer increased pay to staff, perform infrastructure upgrades and continue the county’s road and parks bond programs.

“We believe it is a major accomplishment to adopt a balanced budget at the NNR rate and still provide a high level of service for Hays County residents,” she said. “This budget also allows us to offer increases in salaries for both law enforcement and civilian positions.”

The FY 2023 budget includes $3 million for personnel to create the following:

  • New 483rd Judicial District Court, Assistant District Attorneys and support staff,
  • School Resource Officers (SRO),
  • Elections staff,
  • Parks positions for the new Sentinel Peak Preserve,
  • Administrative and road staff.

Additionally, 47 vacant positions were removed from the budget for a $2 million savings.

“Using the salary savings from unfilled positions gave us the extra funding needed to address salary adjustments across the board,” Commissioner Lon Shell, Pct. 3, said. “We were able to utilize that $2 million for collective bargaining with law enforcement.”

The Commissioners Court also included $2.6 million for salary adjustments for civilian staff and department heads to implement a market compensation study currently underway. 

Approximately $2.2M was included for new and replacement equipment to support current and newly created positions and services throughout the county. An additional $13.3 million was included for capital improvements to the Hays County Jail, multiple public buildings, park improvements, and flood mitigation efforts as needed.

Hays County continues to support local agencies through ARPA funding received from the U.S. Treasury as part of the American Rescue Plan Act. Approximately $15.3 million in ARPA funding is included in the FY23 budget to support:

  • A breast cancer screening program,
    Additional SROs,
  • Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center, and
  • Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Emergency Services Districts (ESD).

The ARPA budget also includes funding to establish a Public Defender Office, to provide additional magistration for those being held in the county jail and to create a Mental Health Specialty Court.

“I’m grateful we were able to utilize the ARPA funding for so many needed and important programs in our community,” Commissioner Debbie Ingalsbe, Pct. 1, said. “I’m especially pleased about funding for the Public Defender’s Office and the creation of a Mental Health Specialty Court.”

The budget also includes $58.5 million for the voter-approved Hays County 2016 Road Bond projects. Approximately $23 million is included for the voter-approved Hays County 2020 Park Bond Program for park improvements, open spaces, conservation lands and other recreational opportunities.

For additional information regarding the Fiscal Year 2023 budget, please contact the Budget Office at 512-393-2275. See the adopted budget files on this page: Click on the FY 2023 Budget Planning folder, then Level 4 – Commissioners Court Adopted Budget.

By Kim hilsenbeck July 31, 2023
Hays County Commissioners Court unanimously voted to adopt a proclamation recognizing the 175th anniversary of the Hays County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO). Members of the HCSO were at court Tuesday morning, August 1, to accept the proclamation. From the proclamation: The women and men serving as sheriff’s deputies, animal control officers, emergency communications officers, and civilian positions take pride in serving the community, businesses and visitors of Hays County.
By Kim hilsenbeck July 23, 2023
UPDATE: Power was restored and the building is open as usual. Sharing the situation at the Hays County Government Center in San Marcos: the building will be closed beginning at 4 p.m. today, July 24, to address an electrical issue. The power has been going off and on for most of the day. The power will be shut off to allow troubleshooting of the system. Please check back in the morning on social media and our website for updated information.
By Kim hilsenbeck July 21, 2023
The County’s contractor, Hunter Industries, Ltd., is scheduled to set up single lane closures on Robert S. Light Boulevard from RM 967 to the I-35 Southbound Frontage Road on Mon., July 24. The lane closures are necessary to provide a safe work zone for workers as part of the Robert S. Light Boulevard pavement rehabilitation project. The inside lanes in each direction will be closed and traffic will occupy the outside (right) lanes in each direction. These will be full-time closures and are anticipated to be in place until Thurs., August 10. Access to all side streets, driveways and businesses will be maintained at all times. An electronic message board will be set up on each end of the project to provide advance notification to the public for these closures. Travelers are asked to drive with caution and watch for construction workers and equipment entering and exiting work zones within the project limits.
By Kim hilsenbeck July 19, 2023
The Justice of the Peace Precinct 5 (Judge Bryant’s) office will be closed Monday, July 24, 2023 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for training.
By Kim hilsenbeck July 18, 2023
UPDATE 3:40 p.m. 7-18-23: Officials are closing FM 967 from Ruby Ranch Rd. to 6025 FM 967 to allow emergency vehicles easier access to battle the wildfire in that neighborhood. ORIGINAL: RUBY RANCH WILDFIRE INFO Posted 2:50 p.m. 7-18-23 The Texas Wildland Task Force was called to assist with a wild fire in the Ruby Ranch subdivision in West Buda near Montgomery Court. At this time, officials say the fire is limited to a roughly 30-acre area. Starflight is on scene for water drops. All Hays County ESDs are assisting Buda Fire Dept./ESD #8. EMS is also on scene as is Hays County CERT – Hays County, Texas for firefighter rehab. We have no indication of the cause of the fire yet. No structures are in danger but out of an abundance of caution, officials from the Hays County Office of Emergency Management said four homes have been evacuated.  Should more be asked to leave their homes, information will be communicated directly to those residents. We will also update this post and our emergency information website For evacuated families – The following locations are available for your family to come while you are unable to be in your homes: Hays Hills Baptist Church 1401 FM N 1626, Buda Hays Community YMCA 465 Buda Sportsplex Dr, FM 1626, Buda Buda United Methodist Church 302 Elm St,, Buda
By Kim hilsenbeck July 17, 2023
A Hays County jury found 63-year-old Elias Villarreal guilty on Wed., July 12, of Aggravated Assault Against a Public Servant and Resisting Arrest with a Deadly Weapon. Judge Gary Steel assessed a sentence of 35 years. The evidence in the trial showed that on Feb. 20, 2022, Kyle Police Department responded to the intersection of Quail Ridge Rd. and East Post Rd. for a verbal disturbance call between a male and female. Officers arrived on the scene and observed Villarreal wielding a metal pipe. Upon law enforcement’s arrival, Villarreal jumped over a fence and attacked a patrol vehicle, striking it several times and doing significant damage. Officers gave Villarreal repeated orders to drop the weapon and attempted to use a Taser to stop Villarreal’s aggressive behavior, but he then confronted the officers with the pipe in hand before turning briefly away. At that moment when Villarreal was turned, Officer Seagrave ran up to Villarreal and tackled him to the ground. Before Officer Seagrave could disarm Villarreal, he turned and struck Officer Seagrave with the metal pipe. Officers apprehended him and took him into custody. Officer Seagrave sustained a minor injury. Officers Seagrave and Orr testified at the trial about the dangerous and stressful situation Villarreal created and the actions they took to protect the community, Villarreal, and themselves. During the punishment phase of the trial, Judge Steel heard evidence of Villarreal’s extensive criminal history, including convictions for Voluntary Manslaughter, Forgery, Burglary of a Vehicle, Assault Family Violence, Assault Family Violence (third-degree felony), and Assault Family Violence (first-degree felony) with a prior 28-year sentence from a Travis County jury. Villarreal stated during his punishment testimony that he “has no guilt” for what happened on Feb. 20, 2022, and refused to accept responsibility for his actions. The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney (ADA) Cassidy Story and ADA Allison Buess. Story said, “The verdict and sentence send a clear message that violence against our law enforcement officers will not be taken lightly.” District Attorney Kelly Higgins expressed his gratitude to the ADAs, staff, and officers whose work secured the verdict. Higgins commended the jury and the court for their work in resolving the case and making the county a safer place for all its residents and visitors.
By Kim hilsenbeck July 17, 2023
WHAT- Dangerously hot conditions with temperatures and heat index between 105 and 109 degrees are expected. WHERE- The Llano uplift and most counties along and just to the east of the I-35 corridor. WHEN- Until 9 p.m. CDT Tuesday IMPACTS- Extreme heat and humidity will significantly increase the potential for heat related illnesses, particularly for those working or participating in outdoor activities PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS Drink plenty of fluids, stay in air-conditioned rooms, stay out of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Young children and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles under any circumstances. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. When possible reschedule strenuous activities to early morning or evening. Know the signs and symptoms of heat stroke. Wear lightweight and loose fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is an emergency! Call 9-1-1.
By Kim hilsenbeck July 14, 2023
The Hays County Precinct 2 office in Kyle will be open as a cooling center on July 15 & 16 from noon-6 both days; that is our only known cooling center right now. The office is located at 5458 FM 2770 @ Crystal Meadow Drive in Kyle. Please check with municipalities about locations within their city limits. Anyone can visit places that are already open, such as libraries and activity centers. If large areas of the county experience power outages, we may stand up cooling centers at other locations and we would post info on and social media if that happens. We will also notify news media.
By Kim hilsenbeck July 13, 2023
Hays County, state and local officials helped celebrate the opening of the Robert S. Light Blvd. extension that connects I-35 and FM 1626. The project was headed by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in partnership with Hays County and the City of Buda. The $17.8 million project was completed in less than two years (ahead of schedule by six months) and on budget. The contractor was J3 Company, LLC. Pct. 4 Commissioner Walt Smith was among the speakers at the ribbon cutting ceremony held on July 13. “It’s been a privilege to work with the City of Buda and the Texas Department of Transportation,” he said. He added, “This is just one brick in building a better Hays County.” TxDOT Austin District Engineer Tucker Ferguson was another speaker at the event. “Exponential growth in Hays County creates more mobility and safety challenges to the region,” he said . “The completion of the extension of Robert S. Light Boulevard helps address these issues by providing a direct connection between FM 1626 and I-35 in order to reduce travel times.” Judge Ruben Becerra said Hays County is the fastest growing population in the country. “Not building roads is not an option,” he said. “And so for this and for the future, I thank you TxDOT.” The RM 967/Robert S. Light Boulevard extension project added a travel lane in each direction from RM 967 to FM 1626. Additional improvements included overpasses at the Union Pacific Railroad, the Mustang Branch of Onion Creek and the Centex Materials haul road, as well as the addition of turn lanes on RM 967 and FM 2770 to and from the newly constructed roadway. Progress on the extension project was documented from start to finish via a timelapse video. For time lapse drone video click here:
By Kim hilsenbeck July 13, 2023
Hays County Local Health Department (HCLHD) is hosting a back-to-school fair to encourage student vaccinations. The event takes place Aug. 5 just in time for the upcoming school year.  The HCLHD is a participant in the Texas Vaccines for Children (TVFC) program, which provides low-cost vaccines to eligible children up to the age of 18 who meet the criteria. “It is very important that students receive their vaccinations in the weeks prior to school starting,” said Hays County Health Department Manager Matthew Gonzales. “Not only does this prepare the students for school, it makes it easier to obtain vaccinations without overwhelming local clinics.” HCLHD’s back-to-school fair will give parents and students the chance to receive free vaccinations under the TVFC program. TVFC is available for those who are participants in the Medicaid program, enrolled in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), American Indian or Alaska Native and uninsured or underinsured children. The vaccines provided include Hepatitis A, Polio, Varicella, and more. Parents can find which specific vaccines are needed for the school year on their child’s school website. HCLHD will continue with free back-to-school vaccines under the TVFC program between Aug. 7-11. “We are very excited for the back-to-school fair,” Gonzales said. “It’s a wonderful opportunity for families to get their students vaccinated.” He added, “Vaccinations keep students healthy and protect them from diseases. Keeping up to date on vaccinations also contributes to a healthy school environment.” The HCLHD Back-to-School Fair is also an opportunity for the community to see the HCLHD’s new home, located at 101 Thermon Drive in San Marcos. Gonzales said it’s a community and family-friendly event. “We will have various vendors sharing resources and details about their services, similar to the Hays County Summer Health Fair,” Gonzales said. “We will also have games set up for the children to enjoy.” The event takes place on Aug. 5 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Contact Matthew Gonzales at (512) 214-5918 with any questions. For more information, be sure to like and follow the HCLHD Facebook page. It is recommended that children get school vaccines over summer break to avoid the end-of-summer rush. Anyone who is unable to attend the fair or come to the HCLHD clinic can find locations throughout Hays County where providers are enrolled in TVFC. Visit our website for info.
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