Neighborhood Defender Service (NDS) received a unanimous vote by Hays County Commissioners on Tuesday to operate the new Public Defenders Office (PDO) for the county. The vendor was one of two that submitted a bid in response to the county’s Request for Proposals (RFP).
Commissioners debated the merits of the firms during the regular meeting, saying both were capable and would perform well. In the end, the qualifications of NDS pushed it over the finish line.
“We believe NDS is best positioned to bring the needed skills and resources to guide those they serve through the complex justice system,” Hays County Commissioner Debbie Ingalsbe (Pct. 1) said after the meeting.
Ingalsbe and Commissioner Lon Shell (Pct. 3), along with General Counsel Mark Kennedy, formed the selection committee to review the submissions from NDS and Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc., the other firm that responded to the county’s RFP. Shell said the committee conducted the first round of interviews with each firm but wanted the final decision to be made during Commissioners Court.
“It would be more beneficial to have a public conversation about which direction to go,” he said.
The formation of a PDO is one of several steps taken by the Commissioners Court over the past few years to streamline the overall justice process, including hiring a full-time magistrate who works at the Hays County Jail.
Hays County currently funds a rotating public defense system where attorneys are assigned cases for individuals who cannot afford legal counsel. Even with a PDO in place, Shell said the County would still have private defense attorneys who take indigent cases because it would be cost-prohibitive to have a comprehensive PDO that handles all of those clients.
“A PDO will supplement our current indigent defense program,” Shell said. “We anticipate a PDO would handle about 20 to 25 percent of our indigent clients; a significant percentage would involve mental health cases.”
He added, “Hays County appreciates all the attorneys who provide indigent defense. We will still need them moving forward.”
During the public discussion, Commissioners Shell and Ingalsbe mentioned the focus on mental health as part of the selection process for a PDO.
“The mental health component is so critical in a PDO,” Ingalsbe said. “We know so many who end up in our jail are dealing with everything from mental health to addiction to poverty. This is where a PDO can help navigate the system and work toward the best outcomes for everyone.”
The contract for NDS will come back to Commissioners Court at a later date for final approval.
“The Hays County Public Defenders Office is a welcome step in streamlining the justice system process,” Shell said. “Our goal is to have a PDO that enhances our current system and provides the support necessary to ensure everyone has a fair opportunity to defend themselves.”
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