Hearings for civil, probate and guardianship cases:
All court proceedings have returned to in-person settings as of June 1st, 2021. Uncontested probates are permissible via Zoom with the exception of pro se probates. Pro se probate cases are required to appear in-person.
All documents, including proposed orders, shall be e-filed prior to the hearing. Please call or email the court for a setting date and time.
For the public, The Open Courts Provision of Texas law allows all Texans access to court proceedings. The Judge, Bailiff and Court Reporter will conduct the hearings in open court, open to the public. In addition, Zoom allows a judge to easily stream the proceedings to the public via YouTube or Facebook. The public may view or listen to the proceedings, but VIDEO OR AUDIO RECORDING IS PROHIBITED. All courtroom rules and safety measures MUST be followed by Order of the Court.
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712 S. Stagecoach Trail
San Marcos, Texas 78666
Main Number: 512-393-7779
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