The types of assistance now available under the ‘Hope 4 Hays County Veterans’ program are broader and more encompassing, according to the county’s Veterans Services Manager Jude Prather.
“When we rolled out this program late last year, the aim was to help qualifying veterans, dependents and surviving spouses with past due rent, mortgage, utilities and car payments,” he said. “This year, as we continue to serve our local veterans, we can now offer help paying car insurance, cell phone bills and medical assistance devices not obtained through the Veterans Administration.”
Hays County is managing the program, which is funded by a $100,000 grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans Assistance. Case Manager Cheryl Robinson with Hays County said the goal is finding solutions to financial problems that veterans or their families experience and allowing them to improve their quality of life.
“Money-related issues are a source of anxiety for many veterans’ families,” she said. “The threat of being evicted, losing their home or not being able to have needed medical assistance devices is a daily source of stress.”
Robinson added that her group can also connect veterans and their families to other services that may be helpful if the grant program isn’t an option.
“Our office can put them in touch with other local or state service agencies that may be able to assist them,” she said. “That might be anything from job training and technical skill building to counseling to dealing with addiction.”
Robinson said she wants local veterans to know her job is to assist them, and she wants them to reach out when they need help or even if they just have questions.
“After all, these men and women who served our country were here for us when we needed them,” Robinson said. “With the Hays County Hope 4 Veterans program, we can be there for them in their time of need.”
For information or to request assistance, please email or call the Hays County Veterans Services Office at 512-392-8387 or 512-781-8489. The Veterans Services website is
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