Judge Ruben Becerra
Judge Ruben Becerra, a long-time resident of San Marcos, was the Chair of the San Marcos Art Commission and San Marcos CISD Bond Oversight Committee. He was also President of the San Marcos Centro Cultural Hispano de San Marcos. He served on the San Marcos Planning and Zoning Commission, Parks and Recreation Board, San Marcos Chamber of Commerce, and was a Board Member of the Texas Bobcat Athletic Foundation. He also proudly served for many years on the Gary Job Corps Community Relations Council.
In his first term as Hays County Judge, he served on the Capitol Area Council of Governments Executive Committee, CAPCOG Criminal Justice Executive Committee, and the Central Texas Clean Air Coalition Board. He is currently serving on the National Association of Counties (NACo) Justice and Public Safety Policy Steering Committee, the CARTS Board of Directors, and the Hays County Election Board. He is Chair of the Hays County Election Commission, Records Management Officer, Director of Homeland Security, Director of Emergency Management and Vice-Chair of the Bail Bond Board. As the Hays County’s Chief Budget Officer, he proposed and adopted the lowest tax rate in over thirty years.
Also in his first term, he created a Criminal Justice Task Force, an Elections Citizens Advisory Commission, the Census Complete Count Committee, the Council for the Indigenous and Tejano Community, the Citizens Advisory Commission for Redistricting, and a Film Advisory Board.
He continues to work on a Center for Mental Wellness, Education and Research, a centralized Center for Pet Resources, Education and Research, and has taken steps to modernize the criminal justice system in Hays County by creating a Public Defenders Office and Pre-Trial Services.
Judge Becerra and his wife, Monica Mendez Becerra, have been married for more than 30 years. She owns a medical supply business providing prosthetics and orthotics to military veterans and breast cancer survivors. They have two sons, Ruben Jr., and Cristian, who manage the family’s business, Gil’s Broiler Restaurant and The Manske Roll Bakery, the oldest restaurant and bakery in San Marcos.