Title First Name Last name Email address
Director: Mike Jones mike.jones@co.hays.tx.us
Fire Marshal Mark Wobus mark.wobus@co.hays.tx.us
Deputy Fire Marshal Klaus Becker klaus.becker@co.hays.tx.us
Assistant OES Dir. Thomas "TJ" Browder thomas.browder@co.hays.tx.us
Office Manager Kristen Jones kristen.jones@co.hays.tx.us
Public Safety GIS Analyst Will Baumann will.baumann@co.hays.tx.us
OES Planner: Laurie Taylor laurie.taylor@co.hays.tx.us
Emergency Preparedness: Vacant
Special Operations/CERT Candy Lonie candy.lonie@co.hays.tx.us

Please visit www.haysinformed.com for more information about the Office of Emergency Service.

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