Law Library Staff

The Law Library has only one Law Librarian on staff. The Law Librarian is only available part-time to patrons. The Law Librarian assists patrons, judges, attorneys, and staff in accessing electronic and print research materials and forms.


What can the Law Librarian do for you?


Law Librarian CAN

  • Direct patrons to resources or areas of law that pertain to the legal issue. Resources may include print resources, databases, websites, or outside agencies.
  • Direct patrons to internet sites or webpages containing information, tools, or forms that are helpful to the user.
  • Explain to patrons how to use our computer legal research tools.
  • Provide patrons with attorney-written information or resources from our Clerk’s or Judge’s office.


Law Librarian CANNOT

  • Give legal advice
  • Draft information
  • Translate, interpret or assist in filling out forms
  • Tell a patron which forms to use
  • Do computer research, read, or type documents
  • Use the computer for you
  • Interpret or explain cases and laws or tell a patron how they apply to a case
  • Provide attorneys to assist with a legal matter



Melody Barron, Hays County Law Librarian

Melody Barron serves as the Law Librarian for Hays County. The email to reach the Law Librarian is Do not send requests for legal advice or forms. The Law Librarian can only provide links to resources for patrons to conduct their research. Please note that most resources are only accessible inside the Law Library.


If you are a vendor, account executive, or sales representative, please email the Law Librarian directly at; please do not call.




Law Library interns occasionally assist the public. Interns assist the Law Librarian with directing the public to resources.

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