Office of Professional Responsibility - Internal Affairs

In 2010, Sheriff Gary Cutler created the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) to thoroughly, objectively and expeditiously review and investigate all complaints against Hays County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) personnel regarding allegations of illegal acts and/or employee misconduct.

The Office of Professional Responsibility (Internal Affairs)

  • Is the central reporting point for all personnel complaints and investigations
  • reports directly to Chief Deputy of HCSO
  • operates as an independent fact-finding entity to protect the public, employees and county through a consistently thorough and objective investigative process
  • reviews complaints whether written, oral, signed or unsigned, from the public, county employees or at the direction of the Chief Deputy or Sheriff

If you have a question at any time during the process, contact the Office of Professional Responsibility:


Hays County Sheriff’s Office
Attn: Office of Professional Responsibility
810 S. Stagecoach Trail San Marcos, Texas 78666


512-393-7879 (FAX)

HCSO created a regulated employee misconduct complaint review and investigation process to ensure the consistent, fair and impartial treatment of the public and HCSO employees.

This Process

  • Protects the public from employee misconduct
    The public has the right to receive fair, efficient, and impartial service. Any misconduct by HCSO personnel must be identified, thoroughly investigated and properly resolved to maintain the public’s confidence.
  • Upholds the integrity of the HCSO
    The HCSO is often evaluated and judged by the conduct of its employees. Therefore, the HCSO must be free from public censure because of the misconduct by a few. The public must have confidence that the HCSO investigates and resolves all allegations of misconduct against its employees fairly and honestly.
  • Protects the HCSO employees from false allegations of misconduct
    A fair and impartial investigation protects employees by ascertaining the truth.

How do I make a complaint?

HCSO employees and members of the public may make complaints about HCSO employee misconduct to the HCSO Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR).

You may make a complaint:

  • In person at 810 S. Stagecoach Trail, San Marcos, Texas 78666
  • By telephone, e-mail or letter
  • Anonymously

As required by Sec. 614.022, Texas Govt. Code, to be considered a complaint, the complaint must be:       


  1. In writing; and
  2. Signed in front of OPR staff by the person making the complaint; or
  3. Notarized and signed by the person making the complaint

Can I make an anonymous complaint?

Yes. However, refusing to make or sign a written complaint makes the investigation more difficult to effectively resolve. The Office of Professional Responsibility decides to investigate based on reported facts, regardless of whether a complaint is signed.

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