Pay Scale

The Hays County Sheriff’s Office currently operates under a Collective Bargaining Agreement, approved by the Commissioner’s Court, for compensation of licensed law enforcement deputies and corrections officers.

The Pay Plan provides the annual salary by rank. The Merit Based Step (MBS) equals your years of service. Each year on your anniversary date, you are eligible for a salary increase provided you meet all the requirements for the increase.

Incentive/Additional Soft Pays

  • Field Training Officers receive up to $210 per pay period while actively training a probationary deputy sheriff or corrections officer.
  • Employees assigned the night shift (shifts starting at or after 6:00 p.m.) shall receive a shift differential of $10 per shift up to the maximum of $150 per month. Special Assignments to both the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) or Crisis Negotiations Team (CNT) team provides an additional $75 per month.

Lateral Entry Program
This program allows the Hays County Sheriff’s Office to hire licensed peace officers or corrections officers with three (3) years of prior experience recognized by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) and, upon employment, place such officer at a step higher than MBS0 according to their career track. The officer must meet the following criteria:

  • Licensed by TCOLE
  • Minimum of three (3) years of service as a TCOLE certified, full time, paid officer, deputy sheriff or corrections officer
  • Placement above MBS0 is subject to the sheriff’s discretion. Officers who have more than five (5) years of prior experience may start as high as MBS4.
  • Officers who have less than five (5) years of prior experience may start at MBS3 or MBS4, whichever applies to the years of experience.

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