Here is some clarification about burn bans and fireworks:
Hays County is under a burn ban. This means outdoor burning (such as burning brush/household debris and bonfires) is not allowed. How does that relate to the sale and use of fireworks? Hays County Fire Marshal Mark Wobus explains:
“Outdoor burning is prohibited under the burn ban,” he said. “The Hays County Commissioners Court recently voted to ban the sale of two types of fireworks during the 2022 July 4th holiday season: ‘skyrockets with sticks’ and ‘missiles with fins’ because drought conditions exist.”
Essentially this means that fireworks, other than those restricted as noted above, can be sold and used, even during the burn ban. Sparklers are approved for sale and use.
Wobus strongly urges residents who light fireworks to utilize extreme caution.
“Have a water source nearby in case it’s needed,” he said. “Pay attention to where the fireworks go and where the debris lands. Our conditions are dry so be extra cautious.”
He added that many municipalities have their own ordinances regarding the sale and use of fireworks.
“Be sure to follow the rules where you live,” Wobus said.
Definitions of restricted fireworks in Hays County during the July 4 season:
A skyrocket is a type of firework that uses a solid-fuel rocket to rise quickly into the sky; a bottle rocket is a small skyrocket. At the apex of its ascent, it is usual for a variety of effects (stars, bangs, crackles, etc.) to be emitted. Skyrockets use various stabilization techniques to ensure the flight follows a predictable course, often a long stick attached to the side of the motor, but also including spin-stabilization or fins.
A missile is a sky rocket that doesn’t use a stick for guidance but instead, it may rotate to give it some stability as it lifts off, may use fins as stabilizers, or may be shot from a tube.
See the item from the Hays County Commissioner Court agenda about the restriction of the sale of certain types of fireworks:
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