Homeowners who have fallen behind on mortgage payments or property taxes caused by hardships related to the COVID-19 pandemic may be eligible to receive assistance through the newly implemented Texas Homeowner Assistance Fund (TXHAF).
According to Hays County Commissioner Walt Smith, Pct. 4, the $824 million fund was established and funded by the U.S. Department of Treasury under the American Rescue Plan. The State of Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) received the funds and will administer the program.
Eligible homeowners, based on criteria established for the program, could receive up to $40,000 for past due mortgage payments and up to $25,000 to pay past due property taxes, property insurance and delinquent homeowner association (HOA) and/or condo association fees.
“Hays County residents who have fallen behind on property tax payments, property insurance, HOA/condo fees and past mortgage payments as a result of the pandemic may benefit from this program,” Smith said. “Additionally, the county may avoid a loss of tax revenue, which means we can continue providing services seamlessly.”
To qualify, homeowners must meet the following criteria:
Cases will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis. Applications from Persistent Poverty Counties and from any homeowners facing imminent foreclosure who have received a court order or eviction notice with a sale date will be given priority status.
Hays County Tax Assessor-Collector Jenifer O’Kane said funds for approved applications are paid directly to the mortgage company, tax office, insurance company or HOA/condo association.
“For Hays County homeowners with delinquent taxes who qualify for this program, TDHCA will send the payment directly to the Hays County Tax Office,” she said.
Apply for program assistance on the TXHAF website:
www.texashomeownerassistance.com. Resources will be available to assist homeowners with completing applications: call 1-833-651-3874.
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