Roadways Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I submit a request for road or roadside maintenance?
  2. Please call the Road Division at 512.393.7385 for assistance.
  3. How do I obtain right-of-way information from the County?
  4. Right-of-way information may be obtained from the County Clerk’s Office.
  5. How do I find out if my section of road is County maintained?
  6. Call the Road Division at 512.393.7385.
  7. Who do I contact to submit a bid request for contract work, services or materials?
  8. The Purchasing Department accepts all bid requests for the County.
  9. How do I find out when my road/subdivision will be improved (reconstructed/paved)?
  10. Please call the Road Division at 512.393.7385 for assistance.
  11. How do I obtain a driveway/utility permit?
  12. To obtain either permit, click on the “Inspections-Permit Forms” link on the left navigation or call the Road Division at 512.393.7385 and request a copy of the permit.
  13. When will I find out the status of my driveway/utility permit?
  14. The inspector will usually contact the requester within 2 weeks. If you have not heard from the Inspector within 3 weeks, please call 512.393.7385, ext. 29.
  15. What are the criteria for placing signs, temporary or permanent, within the County right-of-way?
  16. Hays County has a “no tolerance” policy on placing signs along County right-of-way. All signs must be placed on private property and must not limit the sight distance of traffic flow.=

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