Tuberculosis (TB)
TB skin testing is available through Live Oak Health Partners Community Clinic located within the Hays County Local Health Department building:
401 Broadway, Ste. A
San Marcos, TX 78666
Phone: 512.805.5650
If you have a
Tb test, please contact the TB Elimination program for assistance.
Together WE CAN eliminate TB!
Functions of Tuberculosis Elimination
Tuberculosis causes far more deaths than any other infection diseases worldwide. It infects one-third of the world’s population, and kills three million people every year (a quarter of the world’s preventable deaths).
That is why it is the mission of Hays County Local Health Department, and the Tuberculosis Elimination Division to prevent, control, and eliminate TB among the people of Hays County.
Find it Fast
Functional elements of the Tuberculosis Elimination Division
Hays County, Texas
Main County Mailbox:
712 S. Stagecoach Trail
San Marcos, Texas 78666
Main Number: 512-393-7779
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