The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) will construct a minor realignment of Martin Road at the intersection with US 290 and a dedicated right turn lane addition on westbound US 290 including paving, drainage, signing, and pavement markings. This work requires the closure of the southernmost 1,000’ of Martin Road approaching US 290. A detour route has been created for this closure. (See map)
Travelers trying to access US 290 via Martin Road will be diverted north on Martin Road and turn south on McGregor Lane until its intersection with US 290. Travelers trying to access Martin Road via US 290 will be diverted to turn north on McGregor Lane and then turn west onto Martin Road. Proper detour signage will be placed along the detour route to help travelers navigate the detour to arrive at their destination. This detour will be in place from early November 2021 until the targeted completion date of Spring 2022. Travelers, including Dripping Springs ISD bound vehicles, should allow for additional time to navigate the detour route during the time period.
The project, valued at $1,353,925.37, is being funded through the 2016 voter-approved Hays County Road Bonds program. The Design Engineer is FSC, Inc. and the Contractor is Relmco, Inc. TxDOT will be responsible for managing and inspecting the construction.
For any questions about the project, please contact Hays County Transportation at 512-560-7734 or email
Hays County, Texas
Main County Mailbox:
712 S. Stagecoach Trail
San Marcos, Texas 78666
Main Number: 512-393-7779
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