Getting a dog is exciting! It’s also a long-term commitment. If you’re considering a new animal (esp. if it’s a birthday or holiday present), remember to treat him or her as a life-long gift that requires food, time, love, exercise, attention and medical care.
Not sure if having a dog will fit into your life? We’re sharing some tips and checklists for new pets, whether they are young or older. If they’re new to your home, there are things to consider:
Also consider these costs, several of which are monthly/ongoing:
Food & water
Vet bills & emergency care
Vaccinations and supplements (possibly medications)
Crates & gates
Collars, tags & leashes
Shampoo & flea meds (also heartworm prevention)
Beds & toys
Bowls & brushes
And if you aren’t ready for the cost and commitment of a dog, but want to do something good for the many, many dogs in the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter, some ideas include;
Donate – the shelter accepts monetary donations year-round, as well as special items as needed.
Foster – help an animal recover from surgery or just provide a safe, loving space while the pup is awaiting his or her forever family. Shelters are loud and stressful. By fostering you can help a future family better understand the pup they’re adopting.
Educate – share all of the important information about the shelter and its mission with your friends and social networks.
Volunteer – the shelter needs community support year-round; you can walk dogs, clean kennels, and provide other assistance.
See more tips and info on the following website: (Hays County does not endorse or have any financial relationship with this company – we just think there’s some great info in this guide for potential pet owners.)
Hays County, Texas
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712 S. Stagecoach Trail
San Marcos, Texas 78666
Main Number: 512-393-7779
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