Constable Staff – Precinct 3


Don Montague

Constable Precinct 3

Constable Montague took office as the newly elected Constable for Hays County Precinct 3, on January 4, 2021. He began his career in Law Enforcement in 1967 with the Texas Highway Patrol. Throughout his 18-year tenure with the Hays County Sheriff’s Office, Don has shared his wealth of experience and knowledge to form, lead, and command various task forces.

In 1996, Don was elected Sheriff in Hays County, and served in that capacity until 2005. In 2005, he retired from the Sheriff’s Office and pursued a new role, as Director of the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Center at Texas State University. Don received his education through Texas State University, where he earned his Master’s Degree of Science in Criminal Justice in 2005. He also completed and earned certification as Master Peace Officer and Instructor with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE).

Don has been recognized for his many years of outstanding service and dedication to law enforcement and public office by receiving the Bert Ford Award, presented to him by Governor George Bush and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. He also received the Presidential Award by Central Texas Crime Prevention, and Texas Crime Prevention Manager of the Year. In 2019, he was awarded the Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award, by Texas State University.

Though Don’s professional affiliations and community involvement are vast and long, the one thing that holds true, is his love for the community he serves. Aside from the Oath he took to preserve, protect, and defend the citizens of Hays County, Constable Don Montague strives for fairness and compassion for out local citizens of Wimberly Valley.

Sergeant Donny Torres

Sergeant Donny Torres has served the Hays County Constable Precinct 3 Office since 2016. In December 2018, Sergeant received his Bachelors Degree in Homeland Security from Liberty University. Currently, is expected to graduate with a Masters in Business Administration in 2021 from Liberty University.

With 18 years of Law Enforcement background, Sergeant Torres has completed and earned certification as Intermediate, Advanced, and Master Peace Officer with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement(TCOLE), as well as, Court Security Officer. Sergeant Torres has also been honored with the Academic Recognition Award and Deputy of the Year in 2018.

With numerous hours in Leadership training, Sergeant Torres strives to uphold the Oath he took to preserve, protect, and defend the citizens of Hays County, with honesty, loyalty, and integrity.

Deputy Cody Cheatham

Deputy Cheatham has served the Hays County Constable Precinct 3 Office since 2017. With 12 years of Law Enforcement background, Cody Cheatham has completed and earned certification as Intermediate, Advanced, and Master Peace Officer, as well as, Court Security Officer. He also holds certificates in Basic Jailer, Telecommunicator, Bike Patrol, and New Supervisor Course.

Cody Cheatham has also been honored with Deputy of the Year in 2019. With numerous hours in Leadership training and Mental Health, Cody Cheatham continues to serve the Wimberley Valley Community by striving to uphold the Oath he took to preserve, protect, and defend the citizens of Hays County, with honesty, loyalty, and integrity.

Deputy John Shellhorn

Deputy Shellhorn has served the Hays County Constable Precinct 3 Office since 2017. With nine years of Law Enforcement background, Deputy Shellhorn has also completed and earned certification as an Advanced Peace Officer with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. In addition to his training in Mental Health, Deputy Shellhorn continues to serve and assure that the citizens of Hays County and the surrounding counties are met with the upmost respect and dignity when encountering the areas of Civil Process.   

Deputy Shellhorn is an officer who strives to uphold the Oath he took, to preserve, protect, and defend the citizens of Hays County, with honesty, loyalty, and integrity.

Justice Clerk: Vacant

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