1. FMLA protects job and benefits during FMLA leave for 12 weeks.
2. To initiate the FMLA request process, the employee will need to complete and send this Employee Absence Statement to Human Resources so that HR can determine eligibility and provide an FMLA packet of information. Please contact Isacc Ramirez at
3. Notice provided to employer:
4. Determine if the employee meets the statutory eligibility: The first requirement in determining eligibility is that the employee has worked for at least 12 months and 1,250 hours of service in the previous 12 months.
5. Once Human Resources receives the Absence Statement, the employee will be provided the following information and notices:
6. So that medical eligibility can be determined, Human Resources will also request that the employee obtain a physician certificate for one of the following eligible conditions. Note that each condition has a different form.
7. The information provided by your medical provider will determine if the requested leave is for an FMLA-qualifying reason, which includes:
Human Resources will provide the FMLA Designation Notice to the employee and the Treasurer’s Office?? once the physician certification determines eligibility.
Employee Absence Statement Form NEED THIS PDF
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