Hays County Redistricting Advisory Commission 2021

FM 110 (East San Marcos Loop) Projects 1 and 2


South Section: SH 123 to FM 621

Middle Section: FM 621 to SH 80

North Section: SH 80 to Yarrington Road/IH-35

This project continues the loop east of San Marcos and involves initially constructing two travel lanes (one in each direction) with 10-foot shoulders where no road currently exists for the approximately 11.3-mile corridor and includes an interchange at SH 21 and a railroad overpass at the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. As traffic increases over time, two additional travel lanes and additional interchanges would be constructed. Initial construction costs will be funded through Transportation Reinvestment Zones (TRZs) created by Hays County and the City of San Marcos to capture a portion of the increased value of development occurring along the alignment. Caldwell County will also contribute to the project cost. The County is funding and conducting project development simultaneously for the initial stage of all three sections. TxDOT will let and manage construction of the project. Water line relocations will be in construction contracts.




ROW Acquisition

North-18%, Middle-75%, South 50%

Utility Relocation

North-28%; Middle-67%, South-50% Waterline relocations will be completed as part of construction.

Construction Design

90% complete all segments

Estimated Construction Start

South Section: SH 123 to FM 621–Spring 2018

Middle Section: FM 621 to SH 80–Summer 2018

North Section: SH 80 to Yarrington Road–Late Winter 2018

CR 266 (Old Bastrop Hwy)


Centerpoint Road (CR 234) to Francis Harris Lane

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project widened and reconstructed the Old Bastrop Highway (CR 266) existing roadway to provide for two 12-foot lanes and 10-foot shoulders. Roadway improvements also consisted of realigning Centerpoint Road (CR 234) at Old Bastrop Highway thus eliminating the offset intersection. Safety end treatments were also included through the extension of parallel and cross culverts, replacement of headwalls and installation of guardrail.


Complete. Open to traffic March 2014


County Road Bonds: $7.1M

Find it Fast

CR 206 (Dacy Lane)


CR 206 from Bebee Road (CR 122) to Windy Hill Road (CR 131)

Description 2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consists of the future expansion/ realignment of 1.5 miles of Dacy Lane from CR 122 to CR 131. Proposed improvements include a rural section with four 12-foot lanes. A 14-foot left turn lane will be provided at intersections. Schematic and environmental was completed as part of the County’s original 2008 Road Bond Program.


Schematic / Environmental


ROW Acquisition

Negotiations nearing completion. All Right of Way is anticipated to be acquired by May 2020.


County Road Bonds: $1.5M – 2016 Road Bond Program (Construction design, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation and construction).

IH 35/Yarrington Road Bridge

DescriptionPass-through Program

This project will reconstruct the overpass bridge at Yarrington Road over IH 35 from 0.25 miles north of Yarrington Road to 0.38 miles south of Yarrington Road to address the increasing traffic volume on this segment of Yarrington Road/IH 35. Improvements include realigning and widening segments of the IH 35 frontage road, replacement of the bridge structure at Yarrington Road over IH 35 to accommodate six lanes in the future with sidewalks and construction of turnaround bridges in both directions.


Construction Start

Complete. Open to traffic October 2016

IH 35 Northbound Ramps


DescriptionPartnership Program

This project consists of the possible reconfiguration of the existing entrance and exit ramps and constructing new ramps as needed to respond to new northbound and southbound access needs along this approximate 5.5-mile section of I-35 from the Blanco River to one-half-mile north of FM 150 (Center Street, Kyle). TxDOT will also develop the schematic design for the widening of I-35 to the Future Transportation Corridor (FTC) typical section including accommodations for the ultimate three (3) frontage road lanes and five (5) main lanes in each direction. Developer participation would be an element of project construction cost-sharing. Project development and construction will be funded by TxDOT.


Construction start April 2016; estimate completion Fall 2017

IH 35/Posey Road


Posey Road interchange at IH 35


Partnership Program

Modifications to the IH 35 and Posey Road intersection are proposed that include removing the existing Posey Road bridge and reconstructing IH 35 over Posey Road, adding frontage road turnarounds at the intersection, two through lanes in each direction at the intersection with Posey Road, and conversion of frontage roads to one-way operation south of Posey Road to York Creek. The project will also consider reversing ramps (changing entrance ramps to exit ramps and exit ramps to entrance ramps) in the following locations:

  • SB Entrance ramp between Centerpoint Road and Posey Road
  • SB Exit ramp between Centerpoint and Posey Road
  • SB Entrance ramp between Posey Road and York Creek Road (FM 1102)
  • SB Exit ramp between Posey Road and York Creek Road (FM 1102)
  • NB Exit ramp between Posey Road and York Creek Road (FM 1102)
  • NB Entrance ramp between Posey Road and York Creek Road (FM 1102)

At the start of the Posey Road Project construction, the frontage roads south of Posey will be converted to one-way traffic operations, southbound only on the west side of I-35 and northbound only on the east side of I-35.




ROW Acquisition


Utility Relocation


Construction Design


Estimated Construction Start

Spring 2018

IH-35 Phase 2A – FM 150 Realignment Precinct 1


IH-35 to Lehman Road

Description (Completed)Pass-through Program

This project relocated the existing FM 150-IH 35 frontage road intersection and realigned portion of FM 150 east of IH 35 to merge with existing FM 150 East. Upon completion, FM 150 became a continuous facility east and west of IH 35. The City of Kyle contributed $3.0 million to the project.


Open to traffic October 2013

IH-35 Phase 2B Precincts 1 and 2


FM 150 to FM 1626

DescriptionPass-through Program

This project completed the southbound frontage road system between FM 1626 and RM 150 and included constructing new ramps


Open to traffic October 2013

IH-35 Phase 1 – Kyle Crossing (CR 210) Precinct 2


CR 210 to FM 1626 (Kyle Parkway)

Description (Completed)Pass-through Program

This project reconstructed the substandard 2-lane bridge over IH-35, including a North-South and South-North turn-around bridge. The project also constructed a section of frontage road between Kyle Crossing and FM 1626. Constructing this missing gap of frontage road allowed the IH-35 frontage roads between FM 2001 and FM 1626 to operate as one-way. The City of Kyle, through a State Infrastructure Bank loan, contributed $11 million.


Open to traffic December 2011

IH-35 at FM 2001 Overpass Road Precinct 2


Wonder World Drive to RM 12/RM 32 Junction

Description (Completed)

This project improved existing Overpass Road as part of the overall realignment and improvements to FM 2001. Significant improvements to FM 2001 have been made in a partnership between TxDOT, the City of Buda, private developers and Hays County. This is the last connection to the new $20.0 million interchange and frontage road improvements made by TxDOT.


Complete. Open to traffic September 2010

FM 2001 (IH-35 to SH 21) Precinct 2


FM 2001 from IH 35 to SH 21

DescriptionPartnership Program

This project consists of constructing two travel lanes (one in each direction) and 10-foot shoulders in the interim time frame and construction of two additional travel lanes in the ultimate time frame (to be determined). Some new roadway and some existing right-of-way will be used along the approximate 7.7-mile corridor. The existing Rohde Road/SH 21 intersection will be realigned and a new FM 2001/Rohde Road/SH 21 intersection will be constructed to improve safety. Early project development and right-of-way donation program is being conducted and funded by Hays County with TxDOT funding and managing construction.




ROW Acquisition


Utility Relocation


Construction Design


Estimated Construction Start

To be determined

SH 21 at FM 2001 Precinct 2


At FM 2001 (West) Intersection

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of widening and overlay of the existing SH 21 pavement to add a 14-foot left turn lane and 10-foot shoulders on SH 21 at the intersection with FM 2001 (West).


Open to traffic: December 2012


County Road Bonds: $1.05M

SH 21 at High Road (CR 127) Precinct 2


At High Road (CR 127) Intersection

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of widening and overlay of the existing SH 21 pavement to add a 14-foot left turn lane and 10-foot shoulders on SH 21 at the intersection with High Road (CR 127).


Complete. Open to traffic: December 2010


County Road Bonds: $222.3K

American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds: $670K

SH 21 at Rhode Road (CR 126) Precinct 2


At Rhode Road (CR 126) Intersection

DescriptionOriginally a 2008 Priority Road Bond Program that was undertaken instead by the County Transportation Dept.

This project originally included only safety improvements to Rhode Road at the intersection with SH 21. The County moved forward with additional improvements to Rhode Road beyond the intersection as part of its annual maintenance program. Project was removed from Priority Road Bond Program and work is being done by the County’s Transportation Department.


Open to traffic: TBD


County Road Bonds: $66.5K (Preliminary Planning Prior to Work Performed by County)

Robert S. Light Extension/Buda Truck Bypass (IH-35 to FM 1626) Precinct 2


IH 35 to FM 1626

DescriptionPartnership Program

This project consists of constructing two travel lanes (one in each direction) and grade-separated crossing with the Union Pacific Railroad initially and ultimately constructing two additional travel lanes at a later date to be determined. Some new roadway and some existing right-of-way will be used. Project development is being conducted and funded by Hays County with TxDOT funding and managing construction.




ROW Acquisition


Utility Relocation


Construction Design


Estimated Construction Start

Spring 2019

Post Road (CR 140) at Blanco River Study Precincts 1 and 4


At Blanco River Low Water Crossing

Description (Study completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of a feasibility analysis and preliminary planning study for the replacement of the Low Water Crossing on Post Road over the Blanco River.


Study completed: February 2010


County Road Bonds: $105K

RM 967 (FM 1626 to Cole Springs Road) Precinct 2


RM 967 from FM 1626 to Cole Springs Road

DescriptionPartnership Program

This project consists of constructing a center turn lane and adding shoulders and sidewalks to the existing two-lane facility. A portion of the approximate 2.6-mile project from FM 1626 to FM 2770 will be constructed in partnership with the City of Buda and removed from the State Highway System and transferred to the City for operations and maintenance. Project development by TxDOT is completed and TxDOT managed the project. The County paid for construction.


Open to traffic April 2016

RM 967 at Ruby Ranch Road Precinct 2


At Ruby Ranch Road Intersection

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of the widening of the existing RM 967 pavement structure to accommodate a 12-foot left turn lane and shoulders varying from 4 feet (minimum) to 10 feet (maximum). Additional safety improvements included extension of parallel and cross culverts for safety end treatments, replacement of culvert headwalls, and installation of guardrails.


Complete. Open to traffic: August 2013


County Road Bonds: $836K

FM 150 Center Turn Lane Precinct 1


FM 150 from Lehman Road to SH 21

DescriptionPartnership Program

This project consists of constructing a center turn lane and shoulders within the existing right-of-way for the approximate 4.5-mile corridor. Project development and construction is being conducted and funded by Hays County.


Construction Start

Construction started April 2016; estimated completion is Summer 2017.

FM 150 West Alignment Precincts 2 and 4


IH 35 to Arroyo Ranch Blvd./RM 2770

DescriptionPartnership Program

This project consists of realigning a section of existing FM 150 from IH 35 to existing FM 150 near Arroyo Ranch Road and would facilitate removing existing FM 150 (Main Street) through the City of Kyle from the State Highway System. County conducted extensive public involvement program to identify corridor for further evaluation. TXDOT has assumed responsibility for preparation of environmental documentation.




ROW Acquisition


Utility Relocation




Estimated Construction Start

This study is near completion and awaiting environmental clearance from TXDOT

FM 150 West Character Plan Precincts 3 and 4


Arroyo Ranch Blvd./RM 2770 to RM 12

DescriptionPartnership Program

Improve FM 150

This project consists of initiating a corridor study to develop nature, character and potential projects to preserve 4 lanes of capacity and related safety improvements in the east-west corridor in this portion of Hays County in accordance with the County Transportation Plan. The County will fund and conduct the corridor study and conduct the corridor preservation efforts.


Corridor Study

40% Phase 1 is complete; Phase 2 is underway.

Lakewood Drive at FM 1626 Precinct 2


Lakewood Drive from Lewis Lane (CR 307) to FM 1626

Description (Complete pending tie-in)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of raising the roadway profile to accommodate a major rain event. This project incorporated safety improvements at the intersection of Lakewood Drive and FM 1626 and replaced the original low water crossing with a bridge.


Construction completed April 2013; open to traffic July 2015 on completion of FM 1626 North.


County Road Bonds: $1.45M

FM 1626 North to Brodie Lane (Precinct 2)


RM 967 to Brodie Lane

DescriptionPass-through Program

Improve 1626

This project consists of reconstructing 3.3 miles of existing FM 1626. The existing roadway is a 2-lane rural roadway with limited or no shoulders and several low water areas. The roadway is being reconstructed as a 5-lane rural facility. The project incorporates Context Sensitive design elements developed by the County for the FM 1626 corridor.


Complete. Open to traffic July 2015

FM1626 Before & After:


FM 1626 South (RM 967 to FM 2770) Precinct 2


Between RM 967 and FM 2770

DescriptionPass-through Program

This project consists of reconstructing ­­­3.2 miles of existing FM 1626. The existing roadway is a 2-lane rural roadway with limited or no shoulders and several low water areas. The roadway will be reconstructed as a 5-lane rural road. The project will incorporate Context Sensitive design elements developed by the County for the FM 1626 corridor.


Construction Start

Construction started November 2016.

RM 12 at Wonder World Drive (FM 3407) Precinct 3


At Wonder World Drive (FM 3407) Intersection

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This 1.9 mile project consisted of the widened to 3 lanes (with continuous left turn lanes) and 4-foot shoulders on RM 12 for the connection to the 4-lane divided highway section. Project construction was funded by the City of San Marcos and ROW costs were funded by Hays County.


Complete. Open to traffic: April 2010


County Road Bonds: $145K

State Funds (ROW Reimbursements): $182K

RM 12 at Wonder World Drive (FM 3407) Precinct 3


At Wonder World Drive (FM 3407) Intersection

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This 1.9 mile project consisted of the widened to 3 lanes (with continuous left turn lanes) and 4-foot shoulders on RM 12 for the connection to the 4-lane divided highway section. Project construction was funded by the City of San Marcos and ROW costs were funded by Hays County.


Complete. Open to traffic: April 2010


County Road Bonds: $145K

State Funds (ROW Reimbursements): $182K

RM 12 at Old Kyle Road Precinct 3


RM 12 at Old Kyle Road in downtown Wimberley

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of mobility and safety improvements in the downtown Wimberley business district including turn lanes and drainage improvements.


Complete. Open to traffic: July 2012


County Road Bonds: $691.5K

RM 12 at Sink Creek Precinct 3


At Sink Creek Bridge

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of the replacement of an existing 200-foot bridge and approaches to accommodate two 12-foot lanes, two 8-foot shoulders and the construction of concrete box culverts as part of the on-going safety improvements along RM 12.


Complete. Open to traffic: July 2012


County Road Bonds: $3.25M

State Funds (ROW Reimbursement): $447K

RM 12 Parkway Development Precinct 3


RM 12 at Parkway Intersection

Description2008 Priority Road Bond Program

Parkway Plan Info

This project consists of preparing a re-evaluation of the environmental document and acquisition of ROW to preserve the corridor for future construction of the proposed 4-lane divided parkway.




ROW Acquisition

90% Nearing completion


County Road Bonds: $7.2M (Estimated)

RM 12 at Sports Park Drive Precinct 4


At Sports Park Drive Intersection

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of various safety improvements including a 12-foot left turn lane and four-foot shoulders on RM 12 at Sports Park Drive, extending parallel and cross- culverts, replacement of culvert headwalls and installation of safety end treatments and guardrails.


Open to traffic: May 2012


County Road Bonds: $578.6K

Junction of RM 12 at RM 32 Precinct 3


RM 12 at RM 32 Intersection

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of realigning RM 12 to allow a through movement for RM 12 traffic while creating a T-intersection at RM 32. Project improvements consisted of the construction of two 12-foot lanes, one 14-foot left turn lane, and concrete curb and gutter with flexible base and hot mix asphalt concrete pavement (HMAC) to match existing roadway, along with modifications to cross-culverts and driveways. Similar roadway improvements were incorporated into RM 32.


Complete. Open to traffic: January 2013


County Road Bonds: $4.09M

State Funds (ROW Reimbursement): $180K

RM 12 Safety Improvements Precinct 3


RM 12/RM 32 to Wonder World Drive

DescriptionOriginally a Partnership Program, now funded by the Priority Road Bond Program

Originally included in the Partnership Program, this project is now receiving funding from other sources. Interim safety “gap” improvements include adding a center turn lane and shoulders at various locations between SH 80 (Hopkins St.) and Saddleridge Drive. The County is providing the construction design and TxDOT will be constructing the improvements. Ultimate improvements (not currently under development) would include a 4-lane divided parkway on 200 to 300 feet of ROW incorporating Context Sensitive Design elements.


1 mile east of Hugo Road to 0.1 mile west of SH 80 – Open to traffic September 2015Hugo Road to Saddleridge Drive – Open to traffic May 2016

RM 2325 (CR 181 to Carney Ln) Precinct 3


Fischer Store Road (CR 181) to Carney Lane

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of various safety improvements including left and right turn lanes at selected intersections, addition of 4-foot shoulders and improvements to the horizontal alignment and vertical profile in the vicinity of Jacobs Well Elementary to provided increased stopping sight distance. Drainage improvements included the extension of parallel and cross culverts, replacement of culvert headwalls, and installation of safety end treatments and guardrails.


Open to traffic: January 2013


County Road Bonds: $4.74M

Lime Kiln Road (CR 225) at Sink Creek Study Precinct 4


CR 225 at Sink Creek Low Water Crossing

Description (Study Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project investigated alternatives to the low-water crossing on Lime Kiln Road (CR 225) at Sink Creek by raising the profile of Lime Kiln Road. The proposed alternative roadway would accommodate two 12-foot travel lanes and four-foot shoulders.


Study completed April 2011. ROW acquisition nearing completion. TXDOT reviews being conducted.


County Road Bonds: $222K

US 290 West (RM 12 to McGregor Ln) Precinct 4


US 290 from RM 12 to McGregor Lane

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of the construction of a continuous left-turn lane and improved shoulders along 3.7 miles of US 290 from RM 12 to McGregor Lane.


Open to traffic: May 2013


County Road Bonds: $6.54M

US 290 West (Trautwein Rd to Nutty Brown Rd) Precinct 4


Trautwein Road to Nutty Brown Road

Description (Completed)

This project constructed a rural cross-section with 4-11’ travel lanes and no shoulders. TxDOT had been adding a center turn lane along many sections of US 290 West from RR 12 to the Hays/Travis County Line. This was the last 2.02-mile section to be improved.


Open to traffic February 2010

RM 1826 at RM 967 Precinct 4


RM 1826 at RM 967 Intersection

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of widening RM 1826 to accommodate a 12-foot left turn lane and 4-foot shoulders as well as reconstructed the RM 967 approach to include a dedicated right turn lane. This project also included other safety improvements consisting of the installation of safety end treatments by extending parallel and cross culverts, replacing culvert headwalls and installing guardrail.


Complete. Open to traffic: May 2012


County Road Bonds: $1.0M

RM 1826 at Nutty Brown Road Precinct 4


RM 1826 at Nutty Brown Road Intersection

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of the construction of a 12-foot left turn lane and 4-foot shoulders on RM 1826 at Nutty Brown Road. The proposed improvements also consisted of reconstructing the Nutty Brown Road (CR 163) approach and drainage structures. Drainage modifications included the extension of parallel and cross culverts, replacement of culvert headwalls, and installation of safety end treatments and guardrail.


Opened to traffic: September 2013


County Road Bonds: $910K

Private Developer: $90K

RM 1826 at Crystal Hills Drive Precinct 4


RM 1826 at Crystal Hills Drive Intersection

Description (Completed)2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consisted of the construction of a 12-foot left turn lane and 4-foot shoulders on RM 1826 at Crystal Hills Drive. Additional safety improvements also included enhancement of the roadway vertical alignment at the Crystal Hills Drive approach, replacement of the low water crossing with an arch bridge and extension of the existing box culvert at Spring Hollow Creek.


Complete. Opened to traffic: July 2013


County Road Bonds: $2.07M

RM 1826 at Darden Hill Road (CR 162) Precinct 4


RM 1826 at Darden Hill Road (CR 162) Intersection

Description2008 Priority Road Bond Program

This project consists of along RM 1826 and realigning Darden Hill Road to improve the intersection geometry. Safety improvements include widening RM 1826 to incorporate a 12-foot left turn lane and 4-foot shoulders as well as a right turn lane from Darden Hill Road onto RM 1826. Other safety improvements also include the extension of parallel and cross culverts, replacement of headwalls, and installation of safety end treatments and guardrail.




ROW Acquisition


Utility Relocation


Construction Design





County Road Bonds: $1.53M (Estimated)

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